Money Mindset

Unfortunately, as we grow up, the majority of society was conditioned to pursue a life full of limiting beliefs, especially when it comes to financial prosperity and success. Many of us have heard the term “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “money is a source of evil”, “rich people are bad and greedy”, etc. Phrases like that are just poison to the mind and are not helping anyone.

Life doesn't have to be hard, it doesn't have to be stressful or unsatisfying. And most of all you don't have to hold back on living your life full of prosperity and wealth just because you think that rich people are bad. You simply have to learn how to use your mind and the universe to your advantage and how to change your mind about these things and limiting beliefs. And I'm going to help you learn!

Important things to remember:


All thoughts from the past that have convinced us to believe that money doesn't grow on trees or that money are the source of evil, or that money brings out the worst in people... Throw that idea out the window because deep down you know that that is not true. Start training your mind to think "money does grow on trees, it's everywhere!" or "I have more money than I'll ever need" "I deserve and it's ok to have a lot of money". A lot of us were told these sayings by our parents or society, but it's time to let them go. There is an abundance of money in this world, and there is plenty to go around! The only reason money isn't constantly flowing freely into your life is because your negative mindset towards it is blocking you from receiving financial prosperity. Forget the belief that having too much money is bad!


Watch closely what kind of approach do you have and what kind of words come out of your mouth when you talk about money. Is it a negative approach or a positive? Be very mindful of how you speak about money. Stop saying things like "I can't afford it" or "this is too expansive" or the biggest and most common of all "I'm BROKE". STOP saying that NOW!! For example when you go to a store and you see something that you would want very much but you see the high price. What is your first thought that pops in your head "that's too expensive I can never afford it"? Next time try switching that sentence with something positive like "One day I will buy this thing because it will make me very happy". Just because you don't have the money right now to buy it doesn't mean you can't buy it another time. So don't ever use the phrase "I can't afford it" because the more you say it, the more it becomes true, and that way you are literally attracting more and more situations into your life to deem that statement completely accurate.


If you think that money is a source of evil you need to transform your perspective about money into a positive. Think of all the amazing things that money allows us to have. The money supports our health, happiness, freedom. Money allows us to buy food, to have a roof above our head, a place to call home and have a bed to sleep in, it allows us to travel and visit our family and loved ones, it allows us to pay a doctor or a dentist to take care of our teeth, and it allows us to be charitable towards others. Money is such a beautiful thing and without it, we wouldn't have all these things that support our happiness and give us freedom and luxury.


It also matters on your approach towards money when you're spending it. How do you feel when you have to pay a bill or pay the rent, or the groceries? Are you complaining about money every time you need to pay the bill? Any complaining about money, bills, or any sort of financial responsibility, you're living in a state of lack. Of not having enough money. And the universe does not give money to people who live as if they never have enough. So every time you pay a bill, be happy to pay it and think of what it's allowing you to have. Paying the rent means you can have a roof over your head and pay for the groceries means you get to have nourishing food. Be grateful for that. Every time you will pay for something try to say this to yourself: "I'm happy to pay this bill/food/rent because I have more than enough money to afford it", even if that's not true at the moment. Think it anyways!

“Remember that: money will always match your mindset.”


to yourself that will slowly condition your mind to believe that you are RICH. In a world full of tempting splurges, financial affirmations can help you stay on the right track. Without a constant reminder of your financial goals, it can be difficult to summon the willpower to stay no to destructive financial habits. That’s when money affirmations can come in handy. It is important to note that financial affirmations should always have a positive tone. You shouldn’t be constantly negatively critical of your choices or your finances. Instead, a positive tone will help you stay content with your money choices.

"I am financially free"

"Money flows to my life constantly and effortlessly"

"I have more money than I need"

“There is nothing I can not be, do or have”

"Whatever money I spend I will make 10x more"

"The more I enjoy my life the more money I make"

"Money supports my health, happiness, and freedom"

"Each day I attract more financial success into my life"

"Money flows to me freely as I move through this world"

"I have the power to be a financially successful person"

Guided Abundance Meditation - MUST LISTEN!

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